Everyone knows the green-eyed monster and the gnawing feeling that accompany it.

But let me tell you one thing:

Jealousy is completely normal, and every single person feels it at one point in their lives, whether they admit it or not.

Jealousy can be felt in many instances.

– It might be a feeling of inadequacy when your friend posts a picture of their amazing holiday.

– When other people are getting more attention from the opposite sex than you.

– Or when someone gets a promotion that you thought would be yours.

The point is that jealousy is a human emotion experienced by everyone, especially in relationships.

We all feel jealousy – it’s not something you should be ashamed of.

If you or your partner feels jealous and it’s causing a strain on your closeness, this is only when it becomes a problem.

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How to Deal With Jealousy in Your Relationship (The Ultimate Guide)

There’s only so much you can do to change how you look.

But what if we told you there are ways you can become more attractive to the opposite sex?

The truth is that not all women are born with jaw-dropping looks and irresistible charm.

But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to live alone, with only Netflix to keep you occupied.

Super-sizing your attractiveness is possible.

Here are some scientifically-backed tips to help you become more attractive to men, whether at work, on a dating app, in the club, at a restaurant, or in other settings.

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16 Ways to Become More Attractive to Men (According to Science)

It doesn’t matter what your career is:

Keeping a man interested is about being a good salesperson.

It’s about making men feel great about being with you, whether it’s your first coffee date or your 20th wedding anniversary.

Keeping men interested is all about figuring out what makes them tick.

To ensure you do the right things and check off the right boxes, I’ve compiled the ultimate scientific tips to keep your man interested.

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14 Scientific Ways to Keep Your Man Interested

Problems will never be solved through blaming.

Whether it’s about forgetting to let your dog out or something major that can potentially cause a breakup.

Blame is so destructive that it strains your relationship and makes you resent each other.

To have a clearer picture of how blaming can harm your relationship and ways you can stop this cycle, I’ve compiled this guide for you.

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Are You Stuck In The Blame Game? 6 Simple Steps To Stop Blaming Your Partner For Everything That Goes Wrong

When it comes to relationships, time is the ultimate friend, but also – it’s the ultimate enemy.

Many couples, even ones with the healthiest relationships, go through a stagnant phase after some time.

Most couples even get to the point where they feel like they are going backward.

The excitement is gone.

The playful teasing and chemistry have faded.

The spontaneity is lacking.

When this happens in a relationship, there is usually a lack of communication.

Instead of talking things over, many couples just accept boredom as normal.

They stop trying.

If you’re facing this problem, you’re not alone.

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Are You Dying Of Boredom In Your Relationship? Here Are 15 Ways To Deal With It

Many believe that some people are just lucky enough to be born happy, while others are doomed to a life of misery.

But that only makes sense if you think that happiness is a destination, something that you can arrive at once and for all.

Happiness is more like a journey:

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15 Ways to be Happy with Yourself (and in Your Relationship)

It feels like World War III – you and the love of your life are in a screaming match.

You’ve been fighting for hours, and you can’t even recall what caused the problem in the first place.

Your partner is furious, and you are now on the verge of tears.

Fighting with your partner is a natural part of life.

It’s an inevitable consequence of being in an intimate relationship.

Even the most successful couples argue who’ve been together for years.

The problem is when it happens all the time.

So how should you handle it?

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Are You Constantly Fighting In Your Relationship? Discover How To Stop and Establish Constructive Fighting Patterns

Let me tell you:

Cuddling is a heavily underestimated form of intimacy.

I dug deep into the world of cuddling and found that it can be one of the best bonding experiences. (I haven’t been a big fan myself, but I am now)

In this post, I will share the surprising benefits and 15 cuddle positions you can try.

Prepare yourself for getting your Master’s Degree in cuddling.

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How to Cuddle: Discover The Surprising Health Benefits and The 15 Best Cuddling Positions You Can Try Today

Being criticized is a serious concern for many people, and worse, people worry about criticizing others, due to the fact they hate being criticized themselves.

It’s a horrible feeling sometimes, especially if done in a vicious fashion.

The truth is, having critical feedback can often be a good thing and is a vital part of any healthy relationship.

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How To Deal With Criticism In A Relationship

Only one pain beats the pain of falling in love, the sheer agony of breaking up. No matter whether you instigated the breakup or were on the receiving end of the fatal blow, the pain tearing through your heart is nothing short of torture that affects every part of your life. When you hit a

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How To Make an Ex Want You Back – 4 Foolproof Methods to Rekindle the Flame