Want to write for Relationships Advice? Send us your ideas and articles about love, marriage, and relationships.
We want to know your views on relationships and dating. We want to read your inspiring story about your marriage. We want you to show your advice on how couples can make their marriage relationship work and bring spouses closer together. We are more than eager to know the factors that influence your outlook on romance.
Relationship Advice is all about marriage and relationships so any post you submit should be about the following topics:
- Love
- Marriage
- Dating
- Romance
- Sex
- Relationships
- Divorce
- Couplehood
- Breakups
- Men
You can also write about other topics such as career, money, parenthood, family, food, travel, and fashion—provided that it explains how it affects your and someone’s relationship and dating life. For example, if you are writing about traveling in Africa, you should explain how your trip has changed your views when it comes to relationships and marriage.
We are looking for writers who can share with us advice pieces, personal essays, and even insightful studies that relate to relationship, dating, and marriage. The Relationship Advice voice is smart, real, fun, and honest. We want you to share us your best pieces on dating and marriage and engage with our group of intelligent and interested readers.
If you want to contribute to our growing community by sharing your knowledge and outlook on romance and dating, please see our guidelines for writing:
Relationship Advice Guidelines:
- All Articles must be 1200 words and up.
- We only allow in-depth articles about certain topics. General topics like "how to have a good marriage" is not enough.
- Your content must be 100% original
- Send us a link from your prior work.
- We encourage you to proofread and edit your post before submitting.
- Content topics must be related to: love, relationships, breakups, dating, sex, marriage etc.
- Please use 1 - 2 appropriate images that we can include in the post.
- Tell us about you by writing a short bio we can include in your article.
- We encourage you to write with clarity and concision. Each paragraph should not be more than four (4) lines.
- We currently do not accept advertisements of products or services.
Thank you for your interest in writing for Relationship Advice. We will be more than happy to feature your article on our website.
Please contact me here.