It must not have been easy for you to admit that.

The thought that your husband hates you is intense.

It’s connected with pain and shame – two very powerful emotions.

That’s why it’s not something you discuss casually at the next girls’ night out.

You probably feel paralyzed and helpless, and it’s hard to think about.

Your husband may never have told you to your face that he hates you.

But you feel it.

– He is constantly annoyed by you.
– Sees everything you do negatively.
– You (almost) never touch each other.

You feel the power of rejection every day.

On top of that, you fear losing him.

So you try to make everything right for him, but nothing changes.

I have good news for you:

A separation is unlikely at this point.

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“Why does my husband hate me?” – How you can help yourself IMMEDIATELY

Jane had really thought it through.

The advent calendar she had given Sam was filled with all the little snacks he liked.

The only thing that came from him:

A short thank you.

She had imagined it differently.

A little more gratitude for all her work would have been nice.

What Jane doesn’t know:

Sam doesn’t care about gifts.

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What Are the 5 love languages (By Gary Chapman)? How Can You Use Them to Improve Your Relationship and Avoid Misunderstandings?

You can have a seemingly perfect spouse, a big house, rewarding careers, money in the bank, and beautiful kids.

Yet somehow, your marriage is on the rocks because you don’t know how to talk to your spouse.

About 50% of participants in various studies on married couples have cited poor communication as a reason for divorce.

A lack of communication that leads to conflict has also been cited by Couple Family Psychology as one of the top three precursors to divorce.

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What Does Good Communication In Marriage Look Like? Find Out Now + 13 Tips To Improve Your Skills

It’s always an incredible idea to add fresh wisdom and passion to your marriage.

Throughout your relationship, you may have experienced ups and downs. In fact, you may have been a hero AND a villain in your relationship.

Despite this, you understand that marriage takes consistent teamwork.

If you’re driven to work on your marriage, good news awaits you. Gone are the days when you had to wait for days to see a counselor. Now, you can simply buy an online marriage course.

In this article, we’ve gathered a variety of online marriage courses to help you improve your marriage in the best ways possible.

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The 10 Best Online Marriage Courses To Help You Save Your Marriage in 2023

If there’s one thing couples always argue about, it’s splitting chores.

Maintaining a household is exhausting if you’re not on the same page as your partner.

Communicating is key to tackling the chore problem, no matter how “unsexy” the subject may seem.

The majority of household chores fall to women.

One report even found out that women in the US spend two hours more EACH DAY cleaning, cooking, taking care of children, and doing other unpaid work than men.

But why is that the case?

This problem arises from understanding how labor is divided in a marriage.

If you want to practice fair division of labor in your marriage, keep reading.

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Division of Labor in Marriage: 10 Easy Steps to Make it Fair

We’ve grown up singing too many love songs and watching chick flicks that we think love is the ONLY thing that matters in a relationship.

That’s not true.

It’s completely unrealistic to think that way.

Love costs money. It’s impossible to ignore the financial aspects of relationships.

Keep reading to help you get a clearer picture of how money and your relationship are linked.

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Money & Marriage: 8 Essential Tips For A Financially Happy Marriage

All relationships face challenges.

Partners can resolve their issues and stay together or make the tough choice to split up.

Being married, however, makes everything more complicated.

You have a family to think about, especially when kids are involved.

Long-term investments like a house, car or a retirement plan are suddenly up in the air.

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10 Signs You Have Been Growing Apart In Your Marriage + The Best Tips To Reconnect With Your Spouse

I punched him hard in the face.

He was crying. I was crying.

Our teacher saw us fighting and sprinted over.

She yelled at us like a howler monkey and forced us to apologize.

That’s the last thing I wanted to do.

You know it. I know it: We didn’t mean it.

Sometimes, even if we sincerely apologize, we mess up because of how we express our apologies.

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How To Sincerely Apologize To Your Wife or Husband (without causing a new fight): The Anatomy Of An Effective Apology

If you want to become a better spouse, be like a turtle:

One slow step at a time.

If you try to sprint toward your goal, you will be gasping for air quicker than a fish gasping for water on the kitchen table.

The trick is to be constant and consistent with your actions.

Because connection happens in the small moments.

Let’s get started:

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20 Super Practical Ways To Become A Better Spouse (Right Now)

When you’ve spent years together with your partner, conversations can feel a little boring.

Especially when all you talk about are kids, work, and chores.

So how can you turn this around?

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80+ Fun And Intimate Date Night Questions To Ask Your Partner